Preparation for breastfeedingDuring the latter part of your pregnancy we have a home visit to plan for success. It includes an evaluation of your unique anatomy, a review of your hopes and plans for breast/chest feeding and pointers to getting off to the right start.
Lactation Consultation visitThis includes a thorough health history, observation, assessment and assistance with feeding. A pre and post feed weight of baby/ babies will occur as well as an oral exam of baby. On-going remote (email, text, phone) support as needed. Of course if appropriate, referrals are made. These visits are tailored to when you need them the most. Typically two day or three days after the birth, though it could be earlier or later.
Follow-up ConsultationCare plans are reviewed and changes made as appropriate. An evaluation of what's working and making sure we have the right tools for the situation. Weight checks are always done to help with this goal.
Tele-Health Consultation
This includes a health history, observation and assessment. Counselling occurs and a care plan is discussed. Follow-up phone calls and on-going remote support is included. |
Back to Work Consult
It's best to schedule this visit before baby is 6wks old, even though work may start later. We review bottle selection and use along with an introduction on how to approach bottle feeding. Tips for pumping, pump choice, flange size and maintaining supply are important. In addition, milk storage and preparation are reviewed. |